2010년 3월 23일 화요일

Five thing about moon

1.I had not had a hair cut. Becouse i want to band my hair. Bometimes my long hair was a bother me. But was patient.I think man's banded hair is very cool.

2.Bur now i cut my hair. it is impulsive bohavior. when last friday i went my major party. so i drunk alot and my feel higher. after party i send messege girl who i like "can you come front domitary?"(she live domitary too) she send "yes"
and she come i confess love. i say "i love you. and can you date me?" she answer "no" T.T so i
cut my hair impulsively
3.next day i very sick. it is sick of love? :D joke joke, my fever up 38.5C so during 2day my all behavior is sleeping.

4.i like take picture. so i join picture club name AF and learn how can take good picture. i also want to buy camera. so i reaserch camera and i furstrate about price.
5.i like console game too. like xbox360 playstation2,3 etc... i have xbox 360 playstation2 but not 3 so i will buy ps3 and...
ps3 price+camera price=ultra frustration. :D